Category Archives: Geek Stuff
DNS Server repair for Windows VPN
It look like that Windows 10 gives VPN connections a higher or same priority as your standard network connections. This can end in the situation where you can not access your companies Server and Application anymore when you open a VPN connection. A good example is that you can not access DFS resources anymore. Root cause is a false DNS Server entry order because of wrong connection prioritization.
I created a small script that start a VPN connection and increase the VPN connection interface metric to a high value (lower priority), so that your other connections get priority when it comes to DNS Server entry selection.
Have fun.
#DNS Server order repair for Win VPN connection usage
#It start a VPN connection and change InterfaceMetric of this connection.
#Author: Andreas Neufert
#Website with most up to date version:
$vpnconnectionname = "Veeam VPN SPB"
#Start Powershell as Administrator (found at
if (!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] “Administrator”)) { Start-Process powershell.exe “-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `”$PSCommandPath`”” -Verb RunAs; exit }
#Start VPN Connection
rasdial $vpnconnectionname
#Lookup which DNS Server is used
write-host “DNS Server”
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = “nslookup.exe”
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = “”
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
#Write-Host “stdout: $stdout”
#select-string -Pattern “Address” -InputObject $stdout
#$c = $stdout.split(‘:’) | % {iex $_}
[string]$a = $stdout
[array]$b = $a -split [environment]::NewLine
write-host “=============================================================================================================”
#change the Interface Metric to a high number so that the other connections and their DNS settings become higher priority.
write-host “Changed to:”
Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceAlias “Veeam VPN SPB” -InterfaceMetric 100
#output the new DNS Server address
$pinfo = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$pinfo.FileName = “nslookup.exe”
$pinfo.RedirectStandardError = $true
$pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = $true
$pinfo.UseShellExecute = $false
$pinfo.Arguments = “”
$p = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$p.StartInfo = $pinfo
$p.Start() | Out-Null
$stdout = $p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$stderr = $p.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
#Write-Host “stdout: $stdout”
#select-string -Pattern “Address” -InputObject $stdout
#$c = $stdout.split(‘:’) | % {iex $_}
[string]$a = $stdout
[array]$b = $a -split [environment]::NewLine
Windows 10 background and menue colors – We want the old menue options back!
Hi everybody,
if you are used to see a special color at menue bar and desktop background, you will be likely irritated by the reduced color selection options of Windows 10.
The following commands open the old menues where you can exactly set these colors the old way.
%windir%\system32\control.exe /name Microsoft.Personalization /page pageColorization
%windir%\system32\control.exe /name Microsoft.Personalization /page pageWallpaper
CU… Andy
Did you know, that you can fix some of the layer 8 problems with RFC-1855
Hi … found that cool RFC-1855 and thought it belongs here…
You can fix some of the layer 8 problems with RFC-1855. This is the third most common solution after RTFM and Brain restart as solution… ;o)
This blog is live now!
Hello everybody,
welcome to my new blog. I will focus here round about Backup, Storage, Virtualization and tips from the field. Also I will open my blog activities to some new stuff (to be continued).
Thanks for reading and all of your support.
My old blog is still there (read only) and continue to deliver content to hundreds of visitors each day. You can find it under
All the best to you… have fun… Andy
Interessting numbers from IBM: 888PB per day data will be created every day …
Funny backward compatibility to DOS … Try to create a folder with name “con”
Funny backward compatibility to DOS … Try to create a folder with name “con”
IOPS and Raid Levels
found an interessting article about raid level and impact on IOps Please forgive me the link to the yellow ones ;o)