No SSO visible at vSphere Web Client 5.5 (Reset vSphere Administrator password because of “!” in the password)


maybe this is an well known thing, but I never used an “!”  at vSphere Password before and experienced some “inconvenience”. I installed vCenter Server and was not able to see the vcenter and also not able to access SSO configuration, because it was not there. (Remeber SSO configuration in 5.5 was rewritten and it is normaly found directly in vSphere Web Client – Administration tab.

“!” are not an allowed character at vSphere SSO Administrator password, but Setup process allow it.
If you used it in you password, you are able to logon to Web Client but you see no vSphere Server nor are you able to see the SSO configuration area. If you do not want to install your Server from scratch, you can use the following command to change the password:

c:Program FilesVMwareInfrastructureVMwareCISvmdirdvdcadmintool.exe

Open SSH connection

The funny thing is, that you need to take care as well, that there is not an “!” in the auto generated password ;o)

After that login to Web Client and you can access SSO configuration now. In my case the vSphere Server showed up automatically after this as well.

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