Recommended Hyper-V Patches (and Failover Cluster Patches)

Hi everybody,

in the last time more and more customers test Hyper-V and migrate their workloads.
Many of them are not aware, that Hyper-V need some critical updates for a stable operation (and Backup).

Please check the following Links:

Veeam list of all patches that are recommended before doing backups (independent which backup software you use):
And here you can find the links to the Microsoft recommended patches.
If you use CSV,CSVv2 or SMB3 Shared Volumes check also the second link of each OS Version.
Win2012 R2
Win2012 R2 (Hyper-V) Failover Cluster

Win2012 Hyper-V
Win2012 (Hyper-V) Failover Cluster
Win2008R2 SP1 Hyper-V
Win2008R2 SP1 (Hyper-V) Failover Cluster
Win2008R2 Hyper-V
Win2008R2 (Hyper-V) Failover Cluster

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