Check out this old ESX3.5 article about performance differences between vRDM, pRDM and VMDK. You can see that even in these good old ESX3.5 days there was no significant performance gap. As actual VMware Volumes do not have the 2TB limitation anymore, there is no real blocker to use VMDK (and vRDM).
If you use vRDM don´t forget to reserve some space next to the vmx file for snapshots (e.g. Backup-Snapshot-helper) :
IOPS and Raid Levels
found an interessting article about raid level and impact on IOps Please forgive me the link to the yellow ones ;o)
Automatic VMware vSphere Client login
Hi everybody,
in my Labs and presentations I find it very unhandy to typein connection and username/passwords at my vcenter client.
You can crete a link with parameter to do so.
Also you can change the UI language to your choice.
-u Username
-p Password
-locale Location (e.g. de-DE for GermanUI and en-US for Englisch UI)
-s für VCenter Server or ESX Host
“C:Program Files (x86)VMwareInfrastructureVirtual Infrastructure ClientLauncherVpxClient.exe” -u administrator -p XXX -s -locale en-US
Maybe it is not a good idea to save your password for your production environment in a link, but it is very helpful for you lab environment. If you do not add the -p parameter, it will ask you for the password, but the rest of the settings are filled out
Grüße Andy